Dec 1, 2009

count blessings, not birthdays

it's my birthday tomorrow (:
and to be honest, it's a little anticlimactic. It seems like everyone else is more exited than I am. Maybe it's because I have my English final tomorrow. Blagh, which me luck. Not that I need it or anything. *knock on wood*
Anyhow, it's the dawning of an era, the coming of age of a girl, and way past time to cut the dramatics.
Here's to another year of being fabbbbbulous(:
here's to growing left, right, and forward.
here's to another year of stupid mistakes, and lessons learned the hard way.
here's to the end of fall term, and the beginning of winter.
here's to snow days and hot chocolate by the fire place.
for every one who reads this, here's to you.
thank you for listening.
thank you for reading.
you're beautiful<3

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