Sep 15, 2010

"just so you know shame is five fingered"

it's a memory that haunts me. it creeps up on me on sunny days. reminds me of the things i most want to forget. it's a reoccurring nightmare. it's a half healed bruise on a cheek, hot and hollow.
most of all it's lasting.
it lives in me. the worst part of you has become the worst part of me.
it clings to me like fabric clings to wet skin, slick and unforgiving.

a secret that lives in the back of my mind like a caged beast. it rears it's ugly head when i least expect it. please leave me alone, i don't want to remember.

i would give you the world if you could help me forget.
please. whisper new memories into my blood.


erika said...

I just wrote a post on forgiveness. I wish I had written this.

Jade said...

this was beatiful. it's just one of those things that you can't explain but... wow. i loved it!

audrey. said...

I love that picture. It's like when the other person says "it's okay." it actually starts to be okay.

Ruth said...

You're writing is really good :) I really like the way you put so much feelings in it, makes it real.

Shannon said...

i love this,thankyou it kinda clears my mind up too.

Erimentha said...

hey jamila, you've been tagged in a blogger tag on my blog. enjoy and congrats!


Amanda said...

Oh my. I can totally relate to this.